Client: Wayne Lee
Title: Motion animated graphics for the short films of independent film maker, Wayne Lee.
I have been working with Wayne since early 2012, assisting in the production of motions graphics and animations for his short films. Wayne is a Bristol based director and actor who has had films screened at festivals across the UK. I voluntarily offered my services to these projects as I was in search for interesting projects to get involved in while also building up my portfolio. Working with Wayne was a good experience and offered insight into idea development and production.
Project Specifics:
- 2 animated intros for short film
- Motion Graphics/Graphic Design/Animation/Illustration
- Software used: Photoshop, Flash, After Effects
I found Will Bakers Art really good, Will has done some animation for me on a few of my films I’ve made. Very professional, efficient and he clearly understands levels of detail required to enhance visuals on film.