Blog: My year (in short)

Wednesday October 11th 2017 // “Credit where credits due” – Adam

My last post was in May 2016, between then and now is..well more than a year! In that time I have been getting my head down and working on some pretty cool projects, I’ve had my head down so much that I’m now worried I need to see a spine specialist.

During the middle of 2016 I worked with Hazel Key, a copywriter launching a new website, we put worked on a pretty cool animation together using some new styles and techniques I hadn’t used before. Then I was approached by Steph at Creativa, a studio in South Melbourne, together we produced some character based animations, then there was a biggy of a contract with Swinburne University, which has taken close to 7 months to produce a series of animations that focus on mental health, a real worthy project to be a part of and one that I’m pretty proud of.

Thats a very brief description of the work I’ve been doing, there was also some interesting discussions with the people at Scienceworks and a series of animations for that chocolatey cookie called Oreo, time was against me on these unfortunately and I had to fulfil my obligations elsewhere, however, good experience none the less.

There was also the Swift boys from back home, they are running a start up back where I was living before moving to Melbourne and we’ve worked together producing a lot of their branding and merchandise. Which leads me to offering credit to the stock image artists whom I used some of their assets, thank you to you.

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