Ideal – Baby on the moon

Client: Ideal

Title: Baby on the moon

Animated music video for the track “Baby on the moon” by Ideal.

Melbourne based hip-hop artist Ideal and myself worked together in producing the above video, the track is dedicated to his son Levi and his mantra “Reach for the sky”. The story within the lyrics tells us that before he tucks his son on each night the father tells his son to reach for the sky, this controls Levis imagination and each night he dreams of reaching the moon his trusted side-kick, the family dog Lieutenant Wanna-Sniff.

We had a lot of fun producing this content and it will accompany Ideals album launch Early 2018

Project Specifics:

  • 2D Animation, Kinetic text, typography
  • 2 week production
  • Software: Toonboom animate, Photoshop, After Effects