
Blog: The Flash bin

Early 2007 – 2009 //

When you have a collection of early Flash animations with no home to send them nor a creative way to include them what can you do?

Just pop them in the bin.

Here are a collection of un-finished animations that have no home.


An old toy predominantly found at car boot sales //
Click Here
A character I never found a use for //
Click Here
An un-edited submission to Future Shorts //
Click Here
Easy 'Art'//
Click Here
Experimenting Illustrator to Flash compatibility //
Click Here
1st year uni project without sound //
Click Here
A character for my showreel //
Click Here
I forget what this guy was used for //
Click Here
A Banner for Kickzoo //
Click Here 
The unedited animation for 2.0 ltd //
Click Here
Flash animation